What are the 9 types of welding?

For many centuries, people have been trying and finding, strong and not so, but, ways to merge and weld metal. Fortunately, modern times offer technological solutions that meet almost any request. In this article, we will consider the possible types of welding and welding joints, as well as the advantages, disadvantages, and range of use in construction, the manufacture of equipment, and other areas. After all, welding isn’t only a constructive action, but also an art. In the process of flying sparks and high temperatures, welders can create amazing compositions of varying complexity.

9 types of welding

In the process of learning how to master welding work and understand their principle, it’s necessary to check a ton of knowledge. If after one type of welding the rollers are clean, then after another they can give the opposite effect.

Why is this happening? What materials will you be working with? What types of welding are popular? We propose to consider these and other questions in our guide, which will completely theoretically prepare you for the start of the welding processes. Well, then – practice and more practice!

What is the welding process?

Welding is a technological merger process of fusing welded metal using high temperatures and possible deformation of parts to combine the metals. The heat source can be arc welding (which provides a flame due to electricity), an electric current, a flame generated from a shielding gas, laser, energy beam welding, friction, plasma arc welding, MIG welding, and even ultrasonic waves.

What is the welding process

With the help of different types of welding, manufacturers in various industries can forge edged weapons, build ships, both marine and even space, make furniture structure frames, and more.

While common welding processes used to be purely professional processes that required equipment and industrial conditions, today welding techniques can be carried out under a variety of conditions, whether at sea, in the field, or even in space. It should be noted, that different types of welding is a dangerous process, associated with a huge list of undesirable consequences, and therefore requires serious preparation.

Today, there are a sufficient number of types of welding processes that allow one or another practical task to be carried out. While some methods are easy to learn, learning the ropes of the work of others takes a long time. Also, different types of welding are divided into those that are carried out indoors and those that are outside.

We propose to consider in detail 9 types of welding processes in order to understand the welding procedures technology and the difference between them and choose the right approach to achieve the best result:

1. TIG – Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)

TIG – Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)

The first type of welding option on our list is TIG welding, which may also be called Heliarc or gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) which uses non consumable tungsten electrode. TIG welding is used for parts made of stainless steel or non-ferrous metals, like nickel alloys, copper alloys, titanium, gold, cobalt, carbon steel, brass and etc, which means it’s appropriate for the production of many goods, such as pipes, bicycles, cars.

Also, with the help of such arc tig welding, it’s possible to carry out equipment repair works with aluminum, magnesium, and stainless steel. It’s believed that in the case of this welding filler metal material is not required.

These devices are highly specialized and not suitable for fieldwork, despite ensuring cleanliness in work: welds in such welding don’t form splashes, sparks, and smoke. If desired, filler metal material can be used manually. TIG welding requires fuel gases to flow from a cylinder, which is why it’s inappropriate to use this type of welding outside.

It should also be noted that tungsten inert gas type requires significant time resources, unlike other welding technologies (flux cored arc welding, electric arc, MIG).

2. Flux-Cored Arc Welding process (FCAW)

Flux-Cored Arc Welding process (FCAW)

The flux contained in the tube is responsible for the protective gas functions of the weld due to the formation of a slag layer. This type of welding is called FCAW (flux core arc welding). Sometimes additional gas from an external source may be required to ensure work, then the process should be called external shielding gas technology (FCAW-GS, gas shielded).

It should be noted that cored arc welding fcaw involves a detailed selection of the composition of the flux core and the tube itself in accordance with the tasks to be performed.

The wire with an external gas supply differs from the self-protected one, however, both options cope with many tasks. So, core arc welding fcaw wire has metallurgical and mechanical properties that are necessary when performing repair work. The flux welding is suitable for heavy metals and high temperatures.

The field of application of flux welding core wire is most often focused on heavy equipment. It’s believed that due to fewer emissions and no need for external gas, it’s considered to be low cost. Though this task is hard, still high-quality welds will be done even if the slag will be at the seam.

3. Stick – Shielded – Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)

Stick - Shielded - Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)

This technology involves manual welding involves electrodes. Thanks to the replaceable stick welding of electrodes, the current is applied to form a thermal arc between the metal plates and the stick. It should be noted that the role of the filler metal element, in this case, is played by the same consumable electrode stick. The end of the rod interacts with the base metal, creating a weld.

To protect the base metal from the oxidative process, a flux is applied to the tip of the filler rod, which is responsible for creating a gas cloud. Which composition is applied as a coating on the rod depends on the polarity of the stick welding work and the category of the electrode. The coating serves as protection for the weld pool. After the gas cloud cools, it turns into slag.

Due to its features, this type of welding doesn’t require gas equipment and therefore can be applied in the field and even in adverse weather. Stick welding of electrodes is a complex process that requires responsibility.

Metal arc welding SMAW is used in industrial fabrication for welding dissimilar metals like weld iron or cast iron, even rusty, painted, or dirty surfaces. SMAW technology implies the ability to carry out welding positions of work with any parts. Such welding has good indicators of mobility and price.

4. MIG – Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)

MIG – Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)

A fairly simple and universal welding method, suitable for welding technician who doesn’t yet have impressive experience in the field of welding. MIG is an arc welding process with a metal inert gas using a wire electrode that is sent to a welding gun and create heat there.

In addition to the fact that the electrode conducts current, it is also an additional material, which, together with the metal inert gas cloud, forms a smooth and aesthetically even welding seam at the outlet of the tube. The wire in MIG welding technology works without stopping, which makes it possible to choose the appropriate high welding speeds.

The category of MIG welders is very capricious in relation to weather conditions. Since in this semi-automatic MIG welding method the gas escapes in the form of a cloud around the weld pool and protects against slag from the environment, gas metal arc welding is not applicable outside the room, despite the fact that it universally welds thin materials as well. MIG welding machines in production are used for mechanical engineering, robotics, shipbuilding. It is impossible to do without MIG welding in the construction of bridges.

5. Laser Beam Welding process

Laser Beam Welding process

The area of laser welding is limited to metals and thermoplastics. The laser beam that performs welding work can be adjusted, which allows welding in hard-to-reach places. This technology is applicable in mechanical engineering as it can be automated as much as possible.

If we consider the properties of laser welding, we should note the high power of the welding machine, as well as the high welding speed during operation. This technology is applied to carbon steels, HSLA steels, stainless steel, aluminum, and titanium.

6. Electron Beam Welding

Electron Beam Welding

This technology is a complex welding process based on the creation of heat using kinetic energy accumulated in a beam of high-speed electrons and connecting sheets of metal. This technique is used in many areas, from mechanical engineering and the production of basic spare parts to aerospace construction. If it is necessary to carry out sealing of electrical elements – this method is the best solution.

It should be noted that electron beam welding works well with dissimilar metals with different thermal conductivity and melting point temperature properties. This technique is very well suited for welding thinner materials.

7. Plasma Arc Welding process

tip welding 9

This technology appeared relatively recently, but some similarities with TIG welding and GTAW welding can already be noted: in plasma arc welding, a smaller arc is used compared to TIG welding, which has a positive effect on the penetration depth in a situation with narrow welds.

The difference lies in the fact that other additional equipment is used for plasma welding, which is more prepared for high temperatures. As with TIG welding, the plasma method doesn’t require any additional material. As a result of the use of plasma welding, the welding seam is aesthetically beautiful.

8. Atomic Hydrogen Welding process

Atomic Hydrogen Welding process

This welding technology allows you to work with high temperatures. In this method, the protective functions of two tungsten electrodes are taken over by hydrogen in a gaseous condition. Work can be carried out with or without filler metal material. It’s believed that the atomic hydrogen welding method is outdated and has been replaced with a more modern analogue, TIG.

9. Electroslag welding process

 Electroslag welding process

This technology has all the parameters of modern welding, which is designed to work with thick mild steel plates. The difference between electroslag welding and different types of welding is that the materials will be welded along the edges of the plates. This modern automated welding process is based on a copper tube with an electrode, which is a filler material. With the help of an electric current, an arc is formed, subsequently leading to the creation of a seam.

In this list, you will not find all welding types, because it is limited only to the main ones, which are used everywhere both on an industrial scale and in more domestic conditions. There are several other specific technologies: for example, friction welding is sometimes used to create a one-piece structure from two plates, and explosion-based welding technology can be excellent for obtaining bimetals.

Where is welding used?

Where is welding used

Welding works solve a huge range of technological and structural problems. In production, in workshops and garages, in contact with water and even in space – absolutely in all areas necessary for the life of mankind, certain welding types operations are used. Let’s look at where welding procedures are most used when working with weld metals:

1. Metal constructions.

As already known, with the help of types of welding processes, steel structures can reach a new level: any level of complexity and size – for this there are various types of welding. So, various fences and ramps in the construction projects of buildings, sports equipment, medical equipment, cases in the automotive industry, and even the space industry – all these need frames created by types of welding.

2. Gates

Gates construction with retractable and swinging options from corrugated board. In this case, welding work can be carried out not only in the conditions of an industrial event but also in the field.

3. Stairs

The manufacture and strengthening of building structures, namely stairs, is subject to strict safety standards. Achieving a high level of strength in such structures is possible only by using welding work when working with metal.


We hope that by reading this guide and looking at the types of welding jobs you will be able to find the right technology for you that meets your needs and allows you to achieve the result you desire. The main thing to remember is that welding work will not always cost a pretty penny – for everyday tasks there are enough methods that do not require costs. But, if your tasks are more global and more serious, then the choice should be made in favor of professional welding equipment.

Скриншот 02 12 2022 220926

F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are the types of welding?

As mentioned before, we didn’t list all kind of welding processes work in this guide, which today crossed more than 150 types, but only give full explanation of princip how to work with basic ones: TIG welding, MIG welding, flux cored arc welding FCAW, Stick – Shielded – Metal Arc Welding GMAW and SMAW.

What are the 9 types of welding?

There are many other options to do welding jobs according to requirements and technical tasks: for example, explosion based method, forge welding method and submerged arc welding are helping to merge two non thin metals into one construction, but are used by professionals more rarely.

We offer you to watch this video where they will talk about 4 types of welding:

2. Which welding is strongest?

In the professional field, TIG welding is considered the strongest. This is due to the strength of the weld, which is obtained from the interaction of high temperatures. Also, this type of welding does not require an additional filler for work and is an ergonomic solution for production and domestic tasks.

3. Which type of welding is best?

As mentioned above, society recognizes the fact that TIG welding is the most powerful and durable. However, it should be added that MIG type of welding also claims the title of the best because it can create a strong joint of the plates. Same as TIG type, MIG welding process allows welders to work with stainless steel and non ferrous metals like nickel, copper alloys, titanium, gold, cobalt, brass and etc, which means it’s appropriate for the production of many goods, such as pipes, bicycles, cars.

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