How hot is a weld: different welding processes and their temperatures

Beginners who are just getting into arc welding know that it needs to be heated to a certain temperature. However, few people know exactly what the heating temperature should be. You can read more about how hot is weld in this article.

The heating temperature of the welding arc

Many people wonder how hot is weld. You need to understand that the temperature is quite high. On average, indicators can vary from 6 500 to 10 000 degrees Fahrenheit.

If a plasma arc is used in the work, then its temperature can reach 50,000 ℉.

It is rather difficult to accurately determine the temperature because everything depends on the welding machine, the current strength, the welding speed, and the type of shielding gas. Welders use different types of current – direct and variable. Stable electrodes, or versions that melt, can be used.

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Components in the welding arc

It must be understood that in the process of operation, the welding arc consists of different components.


The saturation of the classic welding arc is carried out from the power supply. Current during the electric arc flows through the part, causing a short circuit. The electric arc provokes the melting of the filler and base metal.

You have to work very carefully. Do not work in a humid environment, so as not to get an electric shock.


During operation, you can notice the rays that fly out of the welding arc. This is pretty unsafe. It also emits ultraviolet light, which can burn the skin.


Many people wonder, are welds hotter than the Sun? You need to understand that the heat from arc welding can be equal to the Sun, and is up to 10,000 ℉. To withstand this amount of light, you have to wear special equipment for protection during all welding processes.

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Welding arc protection methods

Contact with the heat and light from welding processes can be quite dangerous. Therefore, you need to take care of security methods during the arc welding process, which we describe later.


It is important to work in dry conditions and have the necessary power supply. Clothing should also not be wet. Otherwise, there is a high chance of getting an electric shock.


The emitted ultraviolet can cause burns. If you do not take any action, in the future it can provoke big problems, including oncology.

It is important to wear the right size of clothing. It should not be tight or oversized. After all, light can penetrate through cracks and burn the skin.

It is important to take care of the correct operation of the welding hood. It must be complete, without gaps and cracks. Even if there is a small gap, you risk getting burned from the flash. This takes no more than 1-2 minutes. First, the cornea is burned, after which the eyes begin to be damaged.

Initially, you do not understand anything. All unpleasant symptoms appear over time. If at night you experience severe pain in your head, and there is a feeling of sand in your eyes, then you have been burned. However, after a few days, the unpleasant symptoms disappear.


When you work with a welding machine, the arc generates enough heat. It’s a rather distracting procedure. If you don’t feel comfortable working in the heat, you’re more likely to ruin the seam.

It is important to wear thick clothing made of fabric to protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. However, such protection from heat is not enough. It is recommended to choose the correct position during operation. You can also wear a leather welding jacket or an apron. This protects against radiation, as well as hot sparks and dust.

Learn more facts about this topic – How Hot is a Welding Arc?

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How many degrees are in MIG welding?

Many people wonder, how hot are MIG welds? On average, the readings approach 3,000 ℉. This is enough to melt the main and additional metals.

How many degrees are in TIG welding?

Many people wonder, what is the temperature of a weld? As already mentioned, the usual indicators are from 6000 ℉.

Welding process options

Different welding methods are in demand. However, only 4 methods should be included in the list of the most popular.


This option is also called inert or shielding gas. A shielding gas is formed along the electrode wire, which provokes the heating of the two metals that need to be bonded.

Welding only works if there is a DC connection.

GMAW/MIG welding procedures

The type of welding in question is distinguished by 4 procedures that help transfer metal:

  • spherical. The best option if you need to fasten thick metal plates in a horizontal position;
  • short circuit. The base metal is reduced under the influence of the wire. In this case, the tapping technique is used. Knocks should be carried out 1-3 beats per second;
  • spray transfer. Carries drops of molten metal while maintaining resistance arc welding;
  • spraying with impulses. The technology is a bit like spray transfer. However, the current pulse is reduced, so you can do micro-cooling.
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GTAW/TIG welding

This option is used if you plan to work with non-ferrous metals, including stainless steel. The work uses a fixed tungsten electrode, which allows you to fix several sections together.

This option is quite time-consuming when compared with other methods. It should be noted that the melting of different metals occurs in different ways because it all depends on the type of metal. That is why the exact composition of the metal must be determined to guarantee the correct result.

Steel and stainless steel contain iron. However, stainless steel has an additional 11% chromium. Melting of carbon steel occurs in the range of 2.6-2.8 000 ℉. This method can be used to work with aluminum.

Rod welding

This is a manual version. First, a welding arc is created between the metals and the stick welding using an electric current. This is the best option if you plan to build structures made of steel and iron. If you have to work with mild steel pipes, you have to use the open V-groove method.

It is important to be able to use this welding technique because it is quite dangerous to conduct arc welding. This is the best option when working with alloy steel, cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, copper, nickel, and aluminum.

Varieties of the welding arc

The grouping of the arc welding process is carried out by several types.

Electrode melting method

This category includes several options, including tungsten inert gas welding or gas metal arc welding. Shielded metal or flux-cored wire can also be used.

Some use submerged arc welding or stud welding. Experienced craftsmen use electric arc welding.

Electrode method that does not melt

In this case, inert gas welding, or gas tungsten arc welding is relevant. Some use plasma-arc welding.

How hot is a steel weld?

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Rinse hot is considered steel, in which there is about 2% carbon. When it is welded, a rich orange-yellow hue is formed.

The welding temperature is 1700-2000℉. If the work is carried out using ordinary steel, in which the amount of carbon varies from 0.2 to 0.8%, the heating is bright yellow.


As you can see, the welding temperature is quite high, so the work is dangerous. It is important to wear protective clothing and a special mask with gloves. This helps prevent burns and eye damage.

Also, you may be interested in – Can I plug a welder into a regular outlet?

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