Can you weld under the rain or is it a risky road to suicide?

Even a child knows water and electricity do not have to be mixed. But what if you were welding and the rain started? Can you get shocked welding in the rain? The risk to get shocked is significantly higher, but it is not illegal according to OSHA.

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In order not to have serious health issues, let us consider some technical aspects in this article to take some precautions while welding in the rain.

First of all, decide if your deadlines allow you to stop welding and wait until the rain stops. If not, make sure your clothes and equipment are dry. The main reasons for dangerous welding are that water conduct electricity and cause electrical shock or burns. Make sure you follow safety protocol and wear thick rubber gloves!

Can you weld in the rain?

One of the frequently asked questions in blogs and google searched questions. Is it OK to weld wet metal? Experienced welders will probably laugh at the question and say that they have been doing it for 25 years now!

However, if you have not been one with a welding machine for the last 10 years, you better not try. Or have more experienced helpers nearby.

Some people think that welding in the rain can be illegal, but weather is not often easy to predict. What happens in urgent situations when the metal is wet, or it is pouring in some seasons or countries?


Can you weld wet metal?

This procedure can be compared to dancing on the knife edge. Water can serve as a short between polarities and a person can get zapped instead of directing the electricity through the plug on your welder. The metal should be absolutely dry! Otherwise, your chances to get killed or shocked increase proportionally.

Besides, some welding techniques can be used on wet surfaces, but most of them can’t. Some unique techniques can be used for underwater welding, but this is another set of skills you will need. Underwater welders though earn a lot I guess – so think you might grow your hobby into a profession.


Welding arc

Such technique as stick welding on the struck arc requires a double check of the electrode contact absence when contacting the arc, for example. Then it doesn’t matter if there is little water on the surface, the water boils so fast in welding temperatures that it will evaporate immediately.

Here of course the quality of the weld should be considered, always clean the surface properly to ensure the quality.

Some positive comments on the Internet report that such models of welds as MIG and TIG are not that tolerant to wet surfaces and snowy or rainy weather as moisture ruins the bead creating porosity.

Can you weld in the snow?

Avoid welding in the snowing weather, despite it is possible. Do not forget, the snow turns into water and welds cool faster in low temperatures, making them more susceptible to break. Before welding in such conditions, you may try heating the metal to 50 degrees Fahrenheit first and then work on it.

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Is it safe to weld during a storm?

Lightning and wind… you are on the top of the roof with a metal rod at that moment. Will you be blown away or get struck by the lightning? Who knows, but a welding machine increases your chances.

The wind will definitely make the welding arc unstable unless all proper precautions are not followed. Many ignore the full welding mask too, but in stormy conditions isn’t this the best protection measure?

What Does OSHA Say?

A special official organization Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says to use electric welding equipment: 29 CFR 1926.351, 1926.354, and 1926.406(c). None of the other standards claims not to weld in rain or wet conditions.

The thing is that it is required by Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, aka The General Duty Clause, to provide employers with safety conditions at the workplace and avoid creating hazardous situations which can cause death or injuries. The welding process is not an exception.

Hazard is working with electrical equipment that is in contact with moisture (OSHA). This means that employees are responsible for safe conditions in the situation of electrocution risk.

To address the risk, they have to provide employees with personal protective equipment like rubber boots and gloves, or as an alternative, they should organize covering the area from moisture to prevent the welding arc from getting wet.

So, here’s your answer.

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Even though welding is not illegal in the rain, safety conditions should be followed.

And if you work personally at home with a welding machine this information does not apply to you but think carefully before continuing welding outdoors.

How to safely weld in the rain

Welding equipment

Can you weld in the rain? Well, if you decided to continue welding in the rain or the job owner made you do, let’s consider what you can do to protect yourself.

Wet welding equipment in a choir with wet clothes can present an extra hazard for the welder.

Although the engine in the welding equipment can operate in adverse water, it is not built to be exploited in wet conditions. Engine drives are gas-powered machines that provide welding current. Usually, they are installed on a vehicle or a trailer to enable mobile welding.

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Shielding gas

People use Carbon dioxide, argon, helium, and oxygen in welding. Each of the gases has a unique effect on welding performance because of different characteristics.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas is the most affordable reactive gas and the most often used in welding. It is also the only shielding gas that can be used without adding an inert gas.

Welding machine

Some machines are not even appropriate for use in the rain, for example, smaller MIG welders.

It would be not the best option to operate the board and wiring in wet weather. They are too expensive to replace. If they are damaged somehow with water, in this case, welding firms will not pay you back their warranty.


Leads and ground clamp cables

A real issue that can cause hazardous situations might become defective leads or ground clamp cables. Water gets into the leads or wires if they are damaged or cut. Then, when a person touches the leads, the welder experiences electrical shock as well as it ruins your instrument.

The rubber the leads are made of is quite trustworthy and is long-lasting, but check them anyway all the time in dangerous conditions.

What will happen if the welding floor is wet?

Imagine a person standing in water with a welding gun, and sparks are falling down…yes, the welding boots will play a role of isolation but when they are wet this protection becomes worthless. Do we have to say why a wet floor condition is a bad idea?

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How can you get hurt by welding in the rain?

Scientifically will try to explain what exactly happens when electricity touches your body. But simply, do not worry. Small voltages in welding will not be able to pass through the human body, as the metal workpiece has the least resistance compared to our skin. 

But this is all about dry conditions. What if it is wet?

Here, the resistance path to the ground decreases. You might feel some tingling as a small percentage of the current is going through you down to the ground to complete the circuit. If you are planning to change the TIG welding or cords – check the gloves, clothes, leads, and boots.

If we explain this phenomenon scientifically

According to Kirchhoff’s circuit law, which states that “the sum of current flowing into a node in the circuit must be equal to the sum of the current going out of it”. In simple words, electricity needs to follow the path from the ground to the metal rod according to the scheme (usually: Electrode → Workpiece → Earth clamp).

Safety measures

Keep yourself dry

The electric shock that strikes as a result of moisture in leads can be caused not even by wet conditions, but even by your own sweat while working. So, your protective welding gear is designed to save you from electricity, but it becomes less effective if it is wet.



Not only do they protect you from the small sparks while welding, but also from tingling hands in the process of holding a welding torch. If the welding gloves are wet, or you are wearing sweaty gloves, there is no guarantee that you are safe.

Make sure you check your equipment completely all the time before the working process, even if it does not rain. If you touch the electrode or arc accidentally, you could be in a lot of pain!

In summer monitor the gloves too as you might not realize how sweaty they can become.


Always keep your essential protectors dry! They are not only crucial for getting electroshock, but also help to insulate you from the wet ground. Again, electricity is spread over the water or wet ground and shoes made of the rubber ensure you are not killed.

Wearing proper welding boots is one step from not being shocked by electricity, but do not weld in puddles, please!


The same with clothing in general, if you are wet anywhere in the clothes, wait until you get dry before continuing the process. Always wear a welding mask too!

Use a cover

A simple plastic umbrella or a sheet can solve a problem here. If this is a small place to weld, there should not be a problem.

As a result, the welding surface is dry. Also, try to shield the welder from the rain. You think it will not cause your shock, but there will be no damage to the equipment too.

Postpone the task or do it indoors

When most of the measures are not possible to undertake, get indoors to weld or postpone the task entirely. Yet, there might be circumstances you can do it indoors, think of the safeguard conditions.

Welding indoors helps a person to focus more, as there is no need to worry about the blow away of shielding gas, for example. It can only work with small items that are possible to bring inside.


If you read until here or are too lazy to read the whole article, let me summarize the key points we covered in the article. So, can you weld in the rain?

Do not listen to people when they say it is possible to weld in the rain because they have been doing it many times, in reality, don’t play with fate. You might only be unlucky seriously once as if you are shocked by a large portion of electricity this might be your first and last experience of welding performance in the rain!

Why are some welding boots important?

Rubber boots will protect you from electricity by insulating you. Keep your boots dry and in a good shape.

Is it punished by the law to weld in the rain?

No, unless your employee provides poor safety conditions and people risk their lives. But it is not illegal.

Do we have special techniques to weld in the rain?

The only welding apparatus that does not use electricity is an oxyacetylene gas welder. This might become the safest technique if you had to weld in the rain without postponing it.

Oxyacetylene welding employs a mix of oxygen and acetylene to create a flame at 5,800 degrees Fahrenheit temperature.

Despite the flame is less intense than an arc, you will need only light-tinted goggles but not to wear fully protective clothing.

Also, check out Safety Tips for Welding in Wet Conditions.

Is it possible to weld underwater?

Yes, professional welders work with sunk ships and other objects without an opportunity to take them out of the water. The process should be monitored, organized and completed with the help of special equipment such as stick welding.

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This is a serious job for welders to keep safety measures even in dry conditions. Can you weld in the rain? If you are planning to weld in the rain and there is no opportunity to postpone it, it will be ideal if you consider putting a shed in the working area and also putting on the appropriate gear.

Is it safe to use an arc welder in the rain?

Not really. Welding is, in general, considered an indoor activity and many people think it shouldn’t be used outside. Nevertheless, life makes us do it outdoors and even in the rain and wind sometimes. Have you noticed construction workers welding outside on projects?

Simply, do not ignore the safety precautions and your tools and welder protection when working outside.

You may be interested in – 16 Types of Welding Defects

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